POSTED ON 16-02-2021

How to Register as a Doctor in New Zealand

Medical Registration, MCNZ, New Zealand Registration process


In this guide, we’ll take you through the basic registration process to work as a Doctor in New Zealand. The registration process may differ depending on the pathway you choose. However, all types of registration pathways have a basic common process of registering.


1.       Determine Your registration Pathway

The registration pathway appropriate for you can be self-assessed through the MCNZ Registration Self-Assessment Tool. Through this assessment, you will be able to determine which pathway you will be eligible for to practice as a Doctor in New Zealand.


2.       Understand the available Pathways

There are many pathways to get registered as a Medical Practitioner in New Zealand. The main three scopes to register are Vocational, General and Special Purpose. Within each scope there are multiple application pathways with varied eligibility requirements.  


3.       Submit required documents and Fees to the MCNZ

A comprehensive list of applications, reports, forms, payable fees and checklists are provided on the MCNZ website for your convenience. You need to complete and submit the right application and make the necessary payment as a first step. The Medical Council reviews your application and assesses your eligibility for application and determines whether you are eligible for the scope of practice that you applied for.

The medical council will only process applications that are complete. For your application to be considered complete, you must:

-            Submit the required documents for primary source verification before applying

-            Satisfy the MCNZ English language policy

-            Complete and submit all the documents listed in the checklist associated with your pathway

-            Submit references that meet our reference policy.



4.       Registration Meeting (if necessary)

If you are an International Medical Graduate coming to New Zealand to practice medicine, you will have to attend the registration interview in which you should be able to produce your passport and any other documents listed in the checklist attached to your letter of eligibility.

This meeting will allow you to complete registration formalities and apply for a practicing certificate. Prior to attending your registration meeting all your required documents must be primary source verified through the Electronic Portfolio of International Credentials (EPIC) service.


5.       Start Practicing in New Zealand

Upon Receiving your Practicing Certificate, you can start practicing in New Zealand. However, you can't practice in New Zealand until your registration has been confirmed and you have a practicing certificate. It can take up to 5 working days between your meeting and your start date for the paperwork to be processed and a practicing certificate to be issued.


Are you a doctor eager to practice in New Zealand? We can help you get registered with the MCNZ, find you a suitable offer and help you start practicing in New Zealand. If you want some support and guidance drop a line to and we will get back to you asap.


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